F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


ARF-2 final factsheet: PARCR project in Benin

The PARCR project in Benin has published its final factsheet, with as main outcome achieved the high adoption of the best practices of rice production on the one hand, and of the best practices of rice parboiling on the other hand.  »

ARF-1 final factsheet: Improved varieties of spider plant for Africa

This ARF project has been finalized and has published its final results, confirming that there is a growing demand in spider plant in urban areas. More people are aware of the nutritional and medicinal qualities of the plant and integrate it into their eating habits. »

ARF-3 final factsheet: ProFish in Benin

Please download the final factsheet of ARF-3 project ProFish in Benin, in which the consortium shares its final research findings, confirming that farmers included in the test of the new fish feeds show great interest in the new product developed. »

ARF-3 final factsheet: Dyegrain project in Benin

Please download the final factsheet of the ARF-3 Dyegrain project in Benin, in which the consortium shares its final research findings: farmers have successfully cultivated dye sorghum crop on a commercial basis and Leman Sarl, the private partner, purchased a total of 1800 Kg of fresh leaves for international trade.  »