Launch Dyegrain project

The Applied Research Fund project “Promoting dye sorghum cultivation to improve livelihoods in rural Benin in a context of climate change (Dyegrain)”, was launched on January 30, 2018 in Cotonou, Benin. Many stakeholders from various production zones participated in the meeting.
The Dyegrain project aims to promote the cultivation of natural bio-colorants yielding sorghum varieties in Benin. The project was granted funds in the second round of Call 3 of the Applied Research Fund and was officially launched on January 30, 2018 in Cotonou.
Many stakeholders including farmers, processors and traders from various production zones of Benin participated in the meeting. Consortium members from Wageningen UR Food Quality and Design also attended the workshop. The participation of women in this meeting was significant because they are the main actors in the value chain of dye sorghum. The project was officially launched by the representative of the Benin minister of agriculture.