Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches research call on improving Seed Systems in Asia and Sub-Sahara Africa

The Netherlands-CGIAR partnership has launched a call for research proposals which generate insights that contribute to improving “seed” systems in Asia and Sub-Sahara Africa. Applications for pre-proposals can be submitted until April 12, 2018. The deadline for full proposals will be August 30, 2018.
The Netherlands–CGIAR research programme contributes to transformational change in agriculture around the world by advancing food system knowledge and joint public and private innovation. From 2017-2021, this programme is part of a cooperation agreement between the government of the Netherlands and the CGIAR System Organization. This call is managed by NWO-WOTRO and is one of the five instruments of the partnership.
The challenge
In many LMICs, getting improved seed and animal seed stock of good quality from breeders to smallholder and family farms is challenging. While good improved genetic material may be available in particular public research institutes including the CGIAR institutes and National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS), due to limitations in the seed and animal seed stock value chains and the enabling environment, improved varieties and breeds will often not or not easily be available or accessible for smallholder and family farms in LMICs.
The call for proposals
The call builds on the premise that development of the seed sector may benefit from research collaboration between practitioners and research institutions from CGIAR, the Netherlands and selected partner countries. New insights and innovative solutions may evolve from synthesising academic expertise, farmers’ experiences and knowledge, as well as the practical knowledge of companies and NGOs working within the seed sector and its value chains.
Specific objectives of this call are:
- To gain insights in how to increase the contribution of high-quality ‘seed’ in improving smallholder farmers’ food and income security;
- To identify and test how to contribute to improving availability and access of high-quality ‘seed’ for smallholder and family farms, especially sooner and at a larger scale than in current practice;
- To identify and test how to make value chains for private and public seed and animal seed stock more efficient, sustainable and anchored in a supportive enabling environment;
- To strengthen cooperation among CGIAR researchers affiliated to CRPs and/or Platforms, Dutch researchers and relevant (local) public and private partners.
The call refers to both plant and animal seed stocks, see detailed description in the Call text and background document.
The call will be implemented by NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development, in close collaboration with CGIAR, the Dutch government and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform.
More information
Please visit the following pages for more background information:
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Source: NWO