Second call for proposals Food & Business Applied Research Fund
Today, WOTRO has launched the second call for proposals for the Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF). ARF provides grants to demand driven applied research that contributes to innovation for food security in developing countries. The call has been developed in close collaboration with the Food & Business Knowledge Platform.
ARF aims at promoting research supported innovations that are readily applicable and contribute to the enhancement of sustainable food security for the most vulnerable populations in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, Yemen.
Who can apply?
The fund is open for applications by consortia consisting of at least one practitioner organisation (i.e. companies, NGOS, governmental organisations) from a partner country and one research or higher education organisation. Unlike the first ARF call for proposals, one Dutch partner in the consortium is required for this call for proposals. For further details, please refer to the call document.
Demand driven research
Research funded by ARF must be a joint effort of local practitioner organisations and research and/or higher education organisations from the partner countries and the Netherlands. Project proposals must align with the Multi-Annual Strategic Plans (MASPs) of the Dutch embassies in the partner countries. Private companies are encouraged to formulate their demand and to join the applying consortia.
Budget and deadline
For this second call, a maximum budget of 4 million euro is available. The maximum available budget per project is 50.000 euro for a minimum duration of six months and 300.000 euro for a project with a maximum duration of 36 months. In cash or in kind co-funding of 20% from private practitioner organisations or local and international research organisation is required.
Proposals can be submitted to WOTRO continuously until the final deadline of 12 May 2015. Proposals will be collected and assessed in three different rounds, with a deadline on 1 October 2014, 12 January 2015 and 12 May 2015.
For more information and to download the call for proposals, visit the ARF funding page.