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March 19th, 2015

Implementing deforestation-free supply chains: Certification and beyond

Published by SNV,

This paper (PDF) by SNV explores to what extent voluntary certification schemes are able to deliver on no deforestation commitments. Certification schemes play an important role in improving the environmental and social sustainability of supply chains. Yet, this report highlights a number of their limitations which form a barrier to delivering on no deforestation targets. Most certification schemes do not have a sufficiently robust traceability system to prove deforestation-free supply chains. A further limitation of certification schemes is the lack of incentives and support for smallholders to meet sustainability standards (including no deforestation). A final challenge highlighted in this report is the limited ability of certification schemes to address impacts of agricultural expansion across the landscape. There is a serious risk that only the farms far away from forest areas are able to meet certification requirements. SNV has developed a toolkit consisting of three elements which can help to address the identified barriers: 1) a traceability and monitoring system, 2) application of SNV’s Inclusive Business approach, which has been developed as a means to include smallholders in supply chains and to support them in switching to more sustainable production systems, and 3) SNV’s Siting Tool; with this tool, drivers of deforestation can be identified, trade-offs are clearly highlighted and recommendations are provided on target areas for intervention and support.

Related to this article, are this item about deforestation free supply chains and this item about climate smart landscapes.


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