Adaptation measures in agricultural systems
This working paper (PDF) from CGIAR synthesizes the most up-to-date knowledge on actions and institutions that bolster smallholder farmers’ climate resilience, drawing upon research from agricultural systems across CGIAR’s diverse portfolio. A complementary info note (PDF) highlights the paper’s key messages. The adaptation measures are identified as taking place above the level of farmers’ practices on the field. Namely, the working paper examines public and private sector activities within six areas: (1) governance, policy frameworks and readiness; (2) national planning; (3) local planning; (4) finance, economic incentives and value chain interventions; (5) research, extension, capacity building and knowledge systems; and (6) foresight, models and scenarios. The working paper aims to provide readers with a practical understanding of how adaptation measures have been applied, exemplified with several case studies from different countries for each of the six categories of adaptation measures.