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adaptation to climate change

August 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Climate adaptation and job prospects for young people in agriculture

This brief aims for a better understanding of the intersection between climate resilience and youth employment, and where it may be stronger geographically, which is necessary to generate better policy and adaptation options for the future of agriculture and of young people. ow-income, agriculture-dependent countries with rapidly growing cohorts of young people needing jobs must make significant investments in agricultural science and technology, rural infrastructure, and human capital to generate employment and adapt to climate change. »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Learning adaptation to climate change from past climate extremes: Evidence from recent climate extremes in Haryana, India

This article examines whether farmers learn form their past experiences of exposure to climate extremes and use the knowledge to better adapt to future climate extremes. Farmer learning and uptake of new technology is not only related to the characteristic of technology but also how well the technology fits the farming system and its impact on farmers’ livelihood. »

February 17, 2020Knowledge Portal
Financing the transformation of food systems under a changing climate

This report states that the global food system will need to produce food more efficiently and sustainably to achieve the SDGs and meet the 2°C climate commitments of the Paris Agreement. As climate change affects food systems, governments, food and agriculture companies, and public and private investors need to better identify and address the numerous climate-related risks they face. »

September 19, 2019Knowledge Portal
Finance to adapt: Making climate funding work for agriculture at the local level

This briefing takes a closer look at finance for climate adaptation in the agriculture sector and presents recommendations on how to direct climate funding more effectively towards local actors. hrough greater prioritisation of the agriculture and water sectors, as well as more inclusive access to funding and project design, climate finance can better serve the needs of vulnerable groups.  »

May 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Climate and livestock policy coherence analysis in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda

This working paper examines 40 climate, agriculture, livestock, development, land, and environment policies across Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda for strength and coherence in addressing livestock sector adaptation and mitigation. The countries are clearly working to integrate livestock climate change strategies into climate and other policy areas, although at times with limited detail and coherence. . In terms of mitigation in the livestock sector, examples of robust strategies are more limited. »

May 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Discursive translations of gender mainstreaming norms: The case of agricultural and climate change policies in Uganda

This paper takes a discourse analytical perspective on gender policy and budgeting and examines what happens to gender issues in agriculture and climate change adapation when they are mainstramed and domesticated in different governance levels. The study finds that while the international norm of gender mainstreaming has been formally adopted in Uganda, its transformational potential was reduced through five distinct processes during norm translation. »