F&BKP newsletter June 2018 (#03)

In the June newsletter the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) presents reports on several workshops and draws attention to the F&BKP highlights of 2017, including important achievements in all main activities: Strategic partnerships, Research & innovation, and Knowledge Portal.
Furthermore, the Platform informs about the publication of the IOB review of Dutch food security policy 2012-2016 and a video impression of the multi-stakeholder meeting held about this review on May 31. In the next newsletter blogs on the event and the various sessions, will be published.
On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area. This requires special attention regarding the retention and use of personal data. The Food & Business Knowledge Platform would therefore like to inform its readers that we have stored name, organization and email address for the sole purpose of sending the Food & Business Knowledge Platform electronic newsletters and updates, and occasionally information on upcoming F&BKP activities and reports thereof. No marketing or sharing of data with external parties takes place.
Please note that if someone would like to opt out of receiving our Newsletters and updates, that is possible by clicking “unsubscribe from this list” in the footer section of the electronic Newsletter.
Please follow this link to the complete third 2018 newsletter of the Platform: enjoy the read!
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