CGIAR Performance Report 2019

On July 31, 2020, CGIAR published its 2019 Performance Report. The Netherlands, as a strategic partner and funder to CGIAR is committed to share the important results achieved in 2019 by CGIAR, its CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) and Platforms. The publication comes at a time when food systems are under incredible pressure due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and also in the midst of CGIAR’s transformation towards One CGIAR. The CGIAR work and research play an important part in achieving the necessary transformation in food systems and the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Please follow this link to engage with the full online report and find the most relevant 2019 results for specific professionals and organizations. It is also possible to print a hard copy, using the “print basket”.
Highlights from the report and how to engage with the results
The Performance Report and all information it holds can be used and accessed differently than someone would normally expect. The interactive online design enables visitors to explore the data through a series of dashboards presenting the 2019 results.
Due to the interactive design many different angles can be used to engage with the data. To give an idea of the results presented, CGIAR reported the following numbers for 2019: 887 innovations; 283 partnerships; 1,901 peer-reviewed publications; 796,273 people trained; 164 policies, legal instruments or investments to which CGIAR research contributed; and 456 new varieties with genetic gain made available for use. Big numbers that by themselves explain little about the real impact of CGIAR. To better illustrate that impact, CGIAR also presents several Outcome Impact Case Reports that provide understanding and tell the stories behind the science. For example “Mobile phones combat disease in East Africa” by CRP Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) or “Enhancing water policies in Laos” by CRP Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). Both CRPs, as well as several other ones, receive funding through the Netherlands-CGIAR Strategic Partnership.
There is enough information in the interactive online Performance Report to get a good impression of the results achieved by CGIAR in 2019. With the ongoing challenges in food systems and the transformation to One CGIAR, the Netherlands is looking forward to see how CGIAR develops to maintain and grow its impact and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.