CCAFS Annual Report 2019
This annual report 2019 (PDF) of CGAIR’s research programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) describes progress to date, significant achievements and successes in 2019, flagship products and tools and publications. CCAFS continues to be a key knowledge provider in climate change, agriculture and food security research. For example by publishing 139 peer-reviewed articles, contributing knowledge to global processes, and designing databases.
CCAFS follows the three-thirds principle: a) knowledge production (above), b) engagement to ensure demand-driven, targeted research; and c) engagement for knowledge uptake (e.g., capacity strengthening and communication). CCAFS was involved in multiple stakeholder engagement processes to understand demand, build trust/partnerships, and ensure research uptake. These included over 15 major policy processes involving diverse topics, including seed strategies (e.g., Uganda), regional climate-smart plans (e.g., Mekong), national agricultural policies (e.g., El Salvador), and gender and climate policy (e.g., Guatemala). Research on climate information systems is paying dividends, for example by reaching many farmers with climate-information in Senegal and Rwanda resulting in changes in agricultural practices and improved crop management. There was considerable new thinking around the role of climate change in conflict/migration; as well as a focus on increasing ambition through the transforming food systems under climate change initiative. Learning Platforms continued to support links between CGIAR’s research programmes and centers.
CCAFS work and results of 2019 includes research funded through the CGIAR Trust Fund (W2), to which the Netherlands is a funding partner.