Home / Call for proposals – Southeast Asia and Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility

Call for proposals – Southeast Asia and Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility

Joint Call for proposals, SEA-EU-NET project, co-funded by NWO-WOTRO
Image: Landscapes of Halimun Salak National Park, by CIFOR, via Flickr
July 16, 2015 By: F&BKP Office

The Southeast Asia – Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility in the thematic areas of Food, Environment, or Health research is now open for proposals.

Researchers can apply for funding for projects with at least 2 partners from both regions in the fields of Food (agricultural productivity, sustainability and standards, value chain), Environmental (climate change, water resource management, smarter cities, biodiversity & energy) or Health ((neglected) infectious diseases, antimicrobial drug resistance) or research to establish new and strengthen existing networks with multidisciplinary approaches between both regions.


This programme aims to establish new and strengthen existing networks with multidisciplinary approaches between both regions in three theme projects: environment, health and food.

Who can apply

Funding can be applied for by academics, higher education institutions or non-university research establishments and SMEs. A research project within the above mentioned topics should consist of at least two partners from each region. The following countries are contributing to the Call: Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, France, Germany, Lao PDR, Myanmar, The Netherlands, The Philippines, Poland & Thailand. Partners from other countries than those participating in the Call can join a consortium but have to secure their own funding. Projects can have a maximum duration of 1 year within which at least two workshops have to be organized (one in each region).

Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations. For more information on requirements for submitting a Dutch proposal, click here.

What to apply

For researchers funded by NWO, the funding is up to a maximum of € 10.000 per team. Applicants can apply for a grant to cover travel and living costs and material costs (consumables) related to spending required in order to perform the research. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

When to apply

The closing date for the submission of proposals is 14 September 2015 (23:59 CET)

More information

For more information on the call for proposals and to apply (electronically), please visit the website of NWO-WOTRO and SEA-EU-NET.


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