YEP Effect 4, including the Talent Pool

During the kick-off of the 15th batch of Young Experts in Water and Agrofood on September 17, 2018, YEP Effect magazine no. 4 was officially handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this issue special attention for the three Young Experts who started their international Agrofood careers at Netherlands Embassies in Benin, Kenya and Rwanda through the Talent Pool.
Young Expert Programmes (YEP) contributes to dynamic international Water and Agrofood sectors by rejuvenating the participating sectors, strengthen networks and encourage innovation. YEP is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the participating Dutch organizations in the two programmes. YEP is a partnership of the Ministry, the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) and carried out by the YEP Programme Bureau. Since 2013, 350 Young Experts kick-started their international careers and YEP foresees not only the continuation of YEP Water and Agrofood, but also an expansion to YEP Energy and YEP Tailor-made.
Talent Pool
In batch 14, which was kicked-off in March 2018, three Young Experts started at Netherlands Embassies in Benin, Kenya and Rwanda in the field of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS). They form part of the Talent Pool programme, which is carried out by AgriProFocus on assignment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the so-called FNS Support Facility.
Each year, three positions open up which connect Dutch Embassies working in the FNS field with young professionals who have ambitions in this sector. The Young Experts support the implementation of the FNS agenda at the Embassies and link Embassy practice to Dutch education. The Young Experts join the YEP training and coaching trajectory and will become part of the YEP Global Network.
Nynke Humalda, former team member of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, is now supporting the food security team of the Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi. The Development Cooperation Department is in a transition phase from Aid to Trade. Decentralized development cooperation will be phased out while efforts are made to intensify trade and investment relationships with Kenya. In YEP Effect #4, Nynke says: “Cooperation is changing, but has to remain inclusive. I am excited to work with the Embassy to improve collaboration between sectors and facilitate new partnerships for sustainable development.”
To read more about YEP Programmes and the Talent Pool, please download YEP Effect no. 4.
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The next deadline for submitting project proposals by organizations (16th batch) is October 15, 2018. For more information, on project submission, criteria and more, please visit the YEP website. The YEP Programme Bureau can be contacted for information or advice on project proposals.