VHL University Practice Briefs – Inclusive and Climate smart dairy programme

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (VHL) has published a booklet presenting eight “Practice Briefs” which are popular publications based on Master theses of VHL. All theses were commissioned through the Global Challenges Programme (GCP) – CCAFS research project entitled “Inclusive and climate smart business models in Ethiopian and Kenyan dairy value chains (CSDEK)”.
The objective of this research is to identify scalable, climate smart dairy business models in the context of the ongoing transformation from informal to formal dairy chains in Kenya and Ethiopia.
The CSDEK project selected six case study areas, three in Ethiopia and three in Kenya. The booklet reflects the case study of Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Centre in the Ziway-Hawassa milk shed in Ethiopia and the case study of Githunguri Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society in Kiambu, Kenya. The project team and researchers hope to make a contribution to the climate smart development of the dairy sector in Ethiopia and Kenya.
Download the full document here.
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Source: AgriProFocus