UN Climate Summit 2014: The Netherlands launches global alliance for food security

During the UN Climate Summit 2014, on September 23, the Dutch government launched a Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture. Prime Minister Rutte and Secretary of State Dijksma launched the Alliance consisting of 75 countries, all of which will structurally set up agriculture programmes based on Climate-Smart Agriculture concepts. Also worldleaders like Obama and Ban Ki-moon support the approach.
Food production will need to increase by at least 60 per cent over the next 35 years to provide food security for the 9 billion people expected to be living on the planet by 2050. The changing climate directly impacts food security and the supply of nutritious, ample and safe sources of reasonably priced food for the planet’s 7 billion people as well as their growing demands. To enable all people to achieve food security, there is a need for sustainable increases in agricultural productivity.
The Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture is formed to help governments, farmers, scientists, businesses, and civil society, as well as regional unions and international organizations, to adjust agricultural practices, food systems and social policies so that they take account of climate change and efficient use of natural resources.
Please find more information on the Summit and Climate-Smart Agriculture through the following links:
- Nederlands zaad de wereld over (in Dutch)
- Klimaattop: Nederland lanceert wereldwijde alliantie voor meer voedselzekerheid (in Dutch)
- Climate Summit 2014 – Catalyzing action
- FAO – Climate-Smart Agriculture
- FAO Knowledge Sheet – Why do we need Climate Smart Agriculture
- FAO Report – Good practices Climate Smart Agriculture
- Leaders at UN summit take steps to ensure food security for 9 billion people by 2050