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February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Women’s empowerment in agriculture: Lessons from qualitative research

This paper synthesizes qualitative research conducted conjointly with quantitative surveys, to develop a project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI). Economic status was an important component, meaning that empowered women can take care of themselves, their families, and their communities. Conceptions of empowerment among researchers may diverge from those of rural women and men in different contexts. Future development programming and research should be more sensitive to the norms and beliefs shaping rural livelihoods to improve outcomes »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Delivering climate risk information to farmers at scale: the Intelligent agricultural Systems Advisory Tool (ISAT)

This working paper describes the newly developed tool ‘Intelligent agricultural Systems Advisory Tool’ (ISAT) that generates and disseminates data drive location specific advisories that assist farmers in anticipating and responding to emerging conditions through the season. The messaging system worked well in picking appropriate location specific message and delivering to the mobiles of the registered farmers. This study has demonstrated the opportunities available to harness the untapped power of digital technologies to provide actionable advisories timely to smallholder farmers using appropriate data analytics and information dissemination systems. »

February 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to Seeds Index 2019: Global seed companies

This publication of the Access to Seeds Index 2019 presents an overall ranking of 13 leading global seed companies. The results show that the global seed industry is adapting their seeds to combat the impact of climate change. However, a lack of access to quality seeds in many emerging economies persists, as global companies reach just 10% of the world’s smallholder farmers. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Protecting growing prosperity: Agricultural insurance in the developing world

This report highlights the current status and future development of agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers around the world. ISF’s agricultural insurance landscape assessment paints a picture of an industry that shows great potential but is struggling to achieve the required scale and product-level refinements to graduate from the donor funding that has carried it to this point. »

February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food in the anthropocene: The EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems

In this article the EAT-Lancet Commission developed global scientific targets based on the best evidence available for healthy diets and sustainable food production. A universal healthy reference diet was developed to provide a basis for estimating the health and environmental effects of adopting an alternative diet. Scientific targets for the safe operating space of food systems were established for six key Earth system processes. An opportunity exists to integrate food systems into international, national, and business policy frameworks aiming for improved human health and environmental sustainability. »

February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Double burden of malnutrition

This magazine focuses on the double burden of malnutrition, and the challenges and opportunities the global community now faces in addressing all forms of malnutrition. Although the double burden remains a largely untapped area for integrated action, there are opportunities to act. »