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March 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Final report for the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition

The final report of the two-day international symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition provides an overview of the Symposium and the COAG side-event. It gives insight into the key points discussed in the different sessions: ecological approaches, building synergies, people and economics, agro-ecology in practice: country examples by farmers and farmers’ associations and dialogue on ecological processes and health and nutrition. »

March 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Climate change adaptation in crop production: Beware of illusions

This article (PDF) in the Global Food Security Journal, discusses three main causes of “adaptation illusions”, common ways in which studies misinterpret the adaptation benefits of various changes. Many potential changes in agricultural management and technology, including shifts in crop phenology and improved drought and heat tolerance, would help to improve crop productivity but do not necessarily represent true adaptations. »

March 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Insight into social lending and direct-to-farmer finance for smallholder farmers

The Initiative for Smallholder Finance is a multi-donor effort designed to demonstrate how specific products and services can expand the reach of financing for smallholder farmers. They have published several briefings which provide insight into targeted market research, product development and testing and investment facilitation in the smallholder finance market. »

March 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global Hunger Index 2014: The challenges of hidden hunger

This report offers a multifaceted overview of global hunger that brings new insights to the global debate on where to focus efforts in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The report highlights the challenges related to hidden hunger, which is often ignored or overshadowed by hunger related to energy deficits. Hidden hunger, or micronutrient deficiency, affects some 2 billion people around the world. »