What do you think of the Knowledge Portal?

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) aims to develop a more coherent knowledge agenda and stimulate knowledge sharing for improved Food and Nutrition Security (FNS). The Knowledge Portal is one of the Platform’s tools for knowledge dissemination. This tool is now being evaluated using a survey, which will help the Platform to adjust the Knowledge Portal to better meet the users’ needs.
Please click here to go directly to the survey
The field of FNS is multi-dimensional, broad and highly complex. Relevant knowledge products of issues such as agribusiness, governance or food markets can be of use to a variety of professionals working on these issues on a national, regional, international or global level. With the Knowledge Portal, the F&BKP aims to provide professionals with selected references to cutting-edge knowledge and innovations in this field.
The Knowledge Portal is updated with relevant knowledge items on a regular basis to help busy FNS professionals stay up-to-date. Currently, the selected knowledge is divided into 17 topics. Items such as reports, briefs, toolkits and articles are selected per topic and shared by the F&BKP Office knowledge brokers and the wider F&BKP network of partners and experts in the field of FNS. The Knowledge Portal focuses on system level rather than technological level. Guidelines are used as selection criteria, these indicate that knowledge items included in the Portal should: offer innovative insights, deepen current knowledge, be aimed at poverty reduction and/ or build bridges between groups. An annotated summary is offered for each item, which includes the main knowledge highlights. The selected references in the Knowledge Portal are also used to reinforce the work on different themes where the F&BKP is active.
The Knowledge Portal stimulates stakeholders across sectors to share their knowledge and perspectives. Links to websites, articles, reports and multimedia relevant to the topics and goals of this Portal will be published. Uploaded items always link directly to their original source. It is also possible to subscribe to a topic to receive automatic updates. Furthermore, the Knowledge Portal allows for searching on a specific region or country by use of a filter and tags.
The Knowledge Portal is currently being evaluated to redefine the strategy and carve out a path for the future. The Platform would appreciate all input, even from FNS professionals who are new to the Knowledge Portal. The outcome of the survey will help the Platform to adjust the Knowledge Portal to better meet the users’ needs.
We kindly invite you to complete this short questionnaire, it will only take 5-10 minutes. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
Please click here to open the survey in a new window.
For further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact .