Enhancing Kersting’s groundnut production-marketability in Benin

Duration: 02 August 2017 to 31 July 2020
Project information
Aim: The cultivation of Kersting’s groundnut (KG), a well appreciated food crop in Benin, is challenged by poor agronomic practices and lack of quality seeds leading to low yield and poor quality products. Following a science-based value chain approach, this project “Enhancing Kersting’s groundnut (Macrotyloma geocarpum) production and marketability in Benin (Projet Doyiwé)” aims to co-create quality seeds of consumer-preferred KG varieties and enhance market linkages in order to enhance KG’s production and market value in Benin.
Objectives: The overall objective of this project is to establish the availability of quality kersting’ groundnut (KG) grains in rural and urban markets in Benin. The specifc objectives are:
- To improve the understanding of the preferences of Beninese consumers, processors and farmers for KG;
- To collect and evaluate KG germplasm and select superior varieties with desired traits; and
- To make KG seeds and products available in the market in a demand-driven manner.
Method: This project will contribute to the promotion of inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector by strengthening the KG value chain, improving farmers’ incomes, processors’ productivity, and consumers’ food security. The project activities and results will be disseminated further to secondary stakeholders through workshops, scientific publications, policy briefs, technical manuals, and leaflets.
Country: Benin.
Dutch policy goals: Promoting inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector.
Progress reports
Year 1: In the first year of the project, in order to assess the diversity of Kersting’s groundnut (KG), we collected 78 accessions from Benin, 17 from Burkina Faso, 12 from Ghana, and 4 from Nigeria. Seeds of the accessions from Burkina Faso and Benin have been increased and 81 accessions from which we have obtained sufficient seeds have been planted in Djidja. The characterization of the accessions is ongoing. We also conducted a qualitative study to understand the market creation potential for KG and its value chain actors’ preferences. Cultural heterogeneity and different levels of economic development of regions in Benin cause the occurrence of various fragmented markets on different development stages. The results serve as guidance for entrepreneurs and policy makers to exploit the full potential of existing market for KG, develop emerging markets for KG and increase KG awareness in remote markets. Communications are made for the engagement of strategic stakeholders.