PPP and Research Uptake expert call reopend for proposals

The call for proposals for a Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Research Uptake expert, within the Netherlands – CGIAR partnership, has been reopened with an adjustment concerning the engagement of the candidate: the minimum size is now set at 60 per cent, though still with a preference for a fulltime engagement. The new deadline to submit a proposal is November 7, 2018.
The Netherlands – CGIAR partnership aims to enhance international agricultural research in view of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The expert is expected to increase the role of the private sector (for-profit and not-for-profit) in CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) and Platforms. During a running time of three years, the expert is expected to produce a number of outputs and outcomes to contribute to the following objectives of the Netherlands-CGIAR partnership:
- Jointly enhance International Agricultural Research (IAR) with a view to contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- Optimize the effectiveness of Dutch IAR knowledge, innovation and research capacities by enhancing leverage and strengthening linkages to the CGIAR System in combination with linkages to the private sector (both for-profit and not-for-profit);
- Answer to CGIAR’s interest in mobilising partners for the best science and along the research impact pathways towards development outcomes by providing opportunities to engage private partners for advanced research, reach, and impact.
Until November 7, 2018, it is possible to apply for the position of PPP and Research Uptake expert. Please visit the funding page for all relevant information on the call for proposals and how to apply for funding.
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Source: NWO