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public-private partnership (ppp)

March 9, 2020Knowledge Portal
Market‐led options to scale up legume seeds in developing countries: Experiences from the Tropical Legumes Project

This article states there are several hurdles to ensure sustainable seed production and consistent flow of improved legume varieties in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Diversification of seed sources by linking formal and informal seed systems is a fundamental tool to enhancing seed access to resource‐poor farmers especially those in remote areas. »

August 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Contract farming and public−private partnerships in aquaculture

This paper explores some aspects of contract farming with public–private partnerships that combine the expertise and profitability goals of the private sector with the enabling policies of governments. Contract farming (CF) has demonstrated its positive impact as an institutional innovation. Even smallholders can benefit: by reducing – if not eliminating –transaction costs, CF provides markets, finance and technology to smallholders. »

November 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Brokering and facilitating NL funded PPPs: Understanding the role of Dutch embassies and the challenges they face

This publication explores Dutch embassies’ experiences in partnerships in food security and water with private sector involvement. The ‘from aid to trade agenda’ provokes a number of tensions for embassies. A case study was set up in Kenya to explore the role of the Public P in PPPs and to come up with new solutions for food security issues and develop the agribusiness sector in Kenya. »

November 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Delivering on the promise of transformational change: What does it take for Dutch-supported PPPs?

This paper presents the main lessons from Dutch-supported public–private partnerships (PPPs) in food security and water, provides building blocks for making PPPs deliver on the SDGs, with fundamental implications for key partners in PPPs and policymakers. Taking into account the lessons from Dutch-supported PPPs and their challenges, the Dutch PPP approach is in need of recalibration. »

November 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Financing and public-private partnerships in water, sanitation & agri-food sectors

This exploration discusses the financing of development projects in food security and water primarily form the perspective of the commercial financier. Compared to other sectors, the food security and water sector are not seen as attractive to commercial investors, with as important reason their embedding in the public domain. »

PPP and Research Uptake expert call reopend for proposals
October 26, 2018News
PPP and Research Uptake expert call reopend for proposals

The call for proposals for a PPP and Research Uptake expert, within the NL–CGIAR partnership, has been reopened with an adjustment concerning the engagement of the candidate: the minimum size is now set at 60 per cent, though still with a preference for a fulltime engagement. The new deadline to submit a proposal is November 7, 2018. »