Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches call to finance PPP and Research Uptake expert

A call for a PPP and Research Uptake expert within the framework of the Netherlands – CGIAR partnership has been launched. The Dutch government considers Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Research Uptake to be crucial in achieving the SDGs. The expert is therefore intended to increase the role of the private sector (for-profit and not-for-profit) in CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) and Platforms. Deadline to apply for this position is October 18, 2018.
The Netherlands – CGIAR partnership aims to enhance international agricultural research in view of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The PPP and Research Uptake expert will support the overall partnership to jointly enhance International Agricultural Research (IAR) with a view to contributing to achieving SDGs. Specific aims are to:
- Optimize the effectiveness of Dutch IAR knowledge, innovation and research capacities by enhancing leverage and strengthening linkages to the CGIAR System in combination with linkages to the private sector (both for-profit and not-for-profit), and;
- Answer to CGIAR’s interest in mobilizing partners for the best science and along the research impact pathways towards development outcomes by providing opportunities to engage private partners for advanced research, reach, and impact.
Till October 18, 2018, it is possible to apply for the position of PPP and Research Uptake expert, please visit the WOTRO funding page for details.
The expert is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a maximum of three years until December 2021, and implemented by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), WOTRO Science for Global Development.
Supporting the CGIAR
The PPP expert is expected to strengthen the System’s capacity to engage in PPPs, showcase value-propositions of PPP opportunities and shape System wide initiatives in PPP opportunities.
By performing these tasks, the expert is expected to generate output and outcome in terms of:
- The mapping of CGIAR Centers, CRPs and Platform resources, experiences and needs and identification of main topics of interest in PPPs;
- Increased awareness regarding the barriers and opportunities for PPPs in CGIAR Centers, CRPs and Platforms and supporting the use of best practices;
- Facilitating an informal community of practice on PPPs, to act as a potential coordination mechanism for CGIAR staff involved in PPP;
- A feasibility study of a concrete setup for a (or several) initiative(s) and/or an interdisciplinary function at System-level to support PPPs within the CGIAR, for consideration by the Centers and the System Management Board.
Public Private Partnerships in agricultural research
The Netherlands government has a specific interest in furthering Public Private Partnerships (PPP) involving CGIAR. The aim is to:
- Enrich research programmes with the expertise of the private sector and vice versa;
- Become more demand and market responsive, and;
- Improve the enabling environment for scaling and impact.
“Private” in this context includes both global and local (SME) Business and Civil Society which is often referred to as the ‘Growth-Diamond’ approach.
More information
Please visit the following pages for more background information:
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Source: NWO