F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


GCP-2 facstheet final findings: Aquaponics farming

Please download the factsheet with midterm findings of this GCP-2 Fast Track project. »

NLandscape: connecting partners operating in the area of landscapes

In order to realize the potential of Dutch landscape knowledge, and get the integrated landscape approach to a higher level of policy uptake and implementation, NLandscape, the Dutch knowledge platform on landscape approaches, was established in October 2017. A year later, NLandscape reflects on what has been achieved so far and expresses its future ambitions. The F&BKP funded and supported learning activities and as such contributed to the further development of NLandscape as a platform.   »

Report of “Business Symposium Day”

In September 2018, the ARF project AGRI-QUEST partnered with Makerere University Business School in organizing the 23rd Annual International Management Conference. AGRI-QUEST co-organized and coordinated the conference’s “Business Symposium Day” where the project presented their outcomes to a wide audience.  »

Launch EU Policy brief “Programming Research and Innovation for Improved Impact”

Multi-actor research with ex-ante assessment, which is beginning to be applied in EU programmes, can foster development impact when conducted within a right enabling environment. This was concluded by the SCAR Strategic European Working Groups ARCH, AKIS & SCAR Food Systems on October 31, 2018 at a joint launch of the Policy Brief in Brussels. »