F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Agrofood Broker of the Year 2018: Kwabena Asubonteng (University of Amsterdam)

Kwabena Asubonteng (University of Amsterdam) is the winner of the Agrofood Broker of the Year 2018 Award! The prize was awarded by Vanessa Nigten, Knowledge Broker at the F&BKP during the seminar “Future food systems for Ghanaian food security” in Accra, Ghana on January 17, 2019. »

A practical guide to make Inclusive Agribusiness cases accessible and inspiring

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, together with Roger Reuver, developed a practical guide to make inclusive agribusiness experiences accessible and inspiring. The guide is entitled “Creating effective Case Studies” and is meant for inclusive business teams interested in producing a case study of their project. »

F&BKP newsletter December 2018 (#07)

In the December Newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) indicates that Food and Nutrition Security in conflict sensitive areas is nowadays high on the policy agenda and a priority theme of the Platform. In the newsletter a report is presented about the recent Food _ Stability mission to the Horn of Africa, organized by »

Aquaponics: combining profitable business models with increasing food security

“Sustainable integrated fish-vegetable production in Ethiopia” was the first GCP project to be finalized. The project aimed to improve nutrition security of rural households in Ethiopia by providing affordable and profitable aquaponics systems to generate nutrient-rich food and by developing sustainable business models to generate income. Bouke Kappers of TGS Business & Development Initiatives gives insights in what made the project a success. »