F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


The organic movement contributing to SDG2

How can organic farming contribute to SDG2: Zero Hunger? This was the central question for the interactive panel discussion organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday April 16, 2019. A broader public, coming from governmental organizations, NGOs, knowledge institutes and the private sector, attended the discussion. IFOAM kicked off with a presentation about the organic movement in East Africa. »

F&BKP Newsletter May 2019 (#02)

In the May 2019 Newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) informs to have published its Annual Report 2018 and a booklet with an overview of all 73 projects of the Knowledge Management Facility (KMF) in the period 2013-2018.  »

Report Agricultural Innovation Seminar

The role of innovation for food system transformation is increasingly acknowledged, but what this actually entails and how innovation thinking can be applied and encouraged in practice often remains unclear. To explore how new insights can be put to use for global food security, a seminar was organized in The Hague on April 17, 2019. »

Report “A chain of possibilities”

Fairfood, in collaboration with WCDI and supported by the F&BKP, has conducted a scoping study on Blockchain Technology (BCT). The two key objectives to this study were to establish a solid understanding of BCT and the core principles behind BCT cases in the agri-food sector; and to identify good practices, challenges, and limitations of BCT use in agri-food chains that are relevant for LMICs. »