When food crosses borders: Paradigm shifts in China’s food sectors and implications for Vietnam
This article (PDF) by Springer aims to provide an overview of the macro trends that are emerging in regard to Chinese food security strategy at the national level and the food preferences at the household level and its implications for Vietnam. It examines with a macro-perspective how Vietnam fits into China’s new food security strategy as well as the shifting dietary preferences of Chinese consumers and its potential implications for Vietnam’s food sectors. China’s renewed interest in developing the region’s agricultural sector could provide huge economic opportunities for Vietnam’s agricultural and food sectors. Nevertheless, as food ties between the two countries strengthen, Vietnam’s food markets will also be increasingly subject to forces beyond its borders. Moreover, the Chinese consumers’ growingly diversified tastes for different varieties of food products as well as concerns toward safety and quality of domestic produce could create further demands for food products from Vietnam, which could generate more income for the farmers. However, what should be noted is that the massive smuggling of the food products such as rice, sugar, and frozen meat, though providing considerable benefits to both countries, could eventually hamper the agricultural ties between the two sides in the future. Furthermore, some of the emerging trends in China’s food sectors could become big challenges for Vietnam. First, China’s embrace of gene modification technologies could have implications on the rice sector of Vietnam. Second, since China is determined to expand its fishery sector, competition over limited fishery resources could intensify. Furthermore, some of the bad practices, and illegal additives in China’s food sectors could also be replicated in Vietnam. Last, if China takes action against counterfeited and substandard food products within its borders, these products could be exported or smuggled to Vietnam, posing safety threats to local consumers.
This article is part of the book: Food Anxiety in Globalising Vietnam