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May 7, 2020Knowledge Portal
Changing food consumption patterns in rural and urban Vietnam: Implications for a future food supply system

This study estimates a food demand system, including 15 major food items in Vietnam, with multiyear household survey data. As the Vietnam economy continues to grow, per capita rice consumption in both urban and rural areas and across different income groups will continue to decline, whereas demand for other high‐value products will rise. »

April 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food safety and nutrition for low-income urbanities: Exploring a social justice dilemma in consumption policy

This study investigates how retail policies driven by food safety impact the diets of the urban poor in Hanoi, Vietnam. From both time–spatial and quality–affordability perspectives, supermarkets do not contribute to more healthy diets for low-income urbanites. Distance to supermarkets did not change shopping practices. »

November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Reach, benefit and empower women with financial services

This paper analyzed three cases on women’s access to financial services in agriculture and revealed that an increased access empowered women. Recommended is to develop a focus on female clients, starting by a proper market analysis, and to use communication channels that women are familiar with »

November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Household-level drivers of dietary diversity in transitioning agricultural systems: Evidence form the Great Mekong Subregion

This study discerns the drivers of household dietary diversity in the context of farmers evolving from subsistence toward commercial production, in the Greater Mekong Region (GMS). The results show that the Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) is found to increase among the sites in a way that is roughly associate with their state of agricultural transition, though differing combinations of market orientation, specialisation, and intensification traits that describe such a transition suggest that the pathway to commercialisation, and dietary diversity, is not a linear one. »

March 29, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to rural credit markets in developing countries, the case of Vietnam: A literature review

This article focuses on the characteristics of rural credit markets, the determinants of farmer access to markets, the socio-economic impacts of credit access in Vietnam and comparing those of some developing countries. Although positive relationship among credit access, output production, productive efficiency, and total household income are found in most papers; credit also has positively significant impacts on only non-farm income. »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Contributions of livestock-derived foods to nutrient supply under changing demand in low- and middle-income countries

This paper assesses the contribution of livestock to the food and nutrient supply of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by presenting a case study of eight countries. For almost all the countries and under a range of scenarios of economic and climatic change in 2050, it is found that per capita protein supply from livestock-derived food (LDF) will increase relative to that from plant sources. »