Six steps to success: Lessons learnt from five years of CCAFS
This brochure (PDF) by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), focuses on how to make 500 million farmers climate-resilient in 10 years while also reducing their agricultural emissions. It includes lessons learnt from five years of CCAFS work. Steps 1 includes putting the right technology into farmers’ hands. Step 2 is about getting farmers insured. Step 3 is about getting climate information and advice into the hands of farmers, to help them make informed decisions on their farms. Step 4 highlights the importance of enhancing the national enabling environment. Step 5 is on informing global policies and processes. And step 6 highlights the scaling up of investments to support farmer investment in climate-smart activities. All of these steps include examples from the work of CCAFS in different countries.