March 14th, 2016

Keys to transition to agroecology

Published by ISSUU,

This book (full text) published on ISSUU and written by Jelleke de Nooy van Tol discusses how we can support and accelerate the transition to agro-ecology practices worldwide. It addresses researchers as well as consumers, politicians, investors, NGOs and farmers. Lessons learned from the frontrunners show that personal leadership and individual action are utmost important. These pioniers combine a vision with a practical hands on approach. However, to achieve this transition, there also needs to be a demand from international food suppliers and consumers in addition to institutional support. De Nooy van Tol emphasizes that knowledge systems need to change, since now they are too tightly knit to industrial agriculture, and monoculture production systems. New thinking in agricultural research for development is needed to facilitate change instead of providing “objective” knowledge. 

This book is part of a series, see

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