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May 11th, 2015

Global assessment of manure management policies and practices

Published by CCAC & Wageningen UR,

This study (PDF) by the Livestock and Manure Management Component, part of CCAC, studied manure management policies and practice in 34 developing countries (in Asia, Africa and Latin America). Furthermore, an in-depth assessment of manure management practices in Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Malawi, Argentina and Costa Rica was conducted. The focus of the report is on the global challenge of reducing climate emissions from livestock while improving food security and livelihoods. The report provides insight on manure management at farm level, barriers to adoption of integrated manure management practices, and understanding of the existing policies, institutional and incentive frameworks. Key barriers identified include: 1) lack of awareness; 2) low levels of knowledge and missing knowledge infrastructure; 3) limited access to financial credits or other incentives and 4) ineffective policies and legislation. As a result of the assessment, six opportunities for actual practice change will be carried out in the coming year.

Curated from wageningenur.nl