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July 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Fifty years of research on pastoralism and development

This archive reflects on 50 years of research on pastoralism at IDS. Much has changed, but there are also important continuities. The capacity to respond to today’s turbulent world, to make productive use of marginal environments, to make use of mobility to respond to heightened uncertainty, and to adapt and innovate are all features of pastoralism that can be important in meeting wider, global challenges. »

February 10, 2020Knowledge Portal
Rebounding from the brink of extinction: Commercial production of milk amongst pastoralists for climate change resilience in Uganda

This technical report describes how commercial milk production has several direct and indirect benefits that insulate pastoralists from climate and other risks, and generally improve their standard of living in Uganda. The most fundamental benefit is an increase in cash incomes experienced by the vast majority of milk producers. »

August 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
The feasibility of low emissions development interventions for the East African livestock sector

This paper examines the potential of low emissions development interventions or measures to reduce emissions intensity of livestock in East Africa. The three top recommended practices for reducing greenhouse gas emissions intensities are increased production of improved forages in mixed systems and intensive dairy, the increased use of biodigestors in intensive dairy and improving the management of grazing for pastoral systems. »

August 12, 2019Knowledge Portal
Rebuilding pastoralist livelihoods during and after conflict

This review synthesises findings from discussions on approaches to support pastoral livelihoods during and after conflict. In order to be successful in unstable environments, development initiatives (including livelihoods support) should be both stabilisation-oriented (providing better access to physical and livelihood security for populations) and conflict-sensitive. Poorly designed pastoral development interventions that do not fully take the drivers of conflict and violence into account can create more instability and exacerbate conflicts. »

February 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
Transforming pasotralist mobility in West Darfur: Understanding continuity and change

This study examines how livestock keepers in Darfur Region of Sudan cope with and manage extreme climate variability, and potential insecurity and conflict, and how this coping differs according to systems of livestock production and mobility patterns. All livestock keepers identified insecurity as their predominant concern. Restricted patterns of mobility are a preventive response strategy to counter security risks. »

October 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Insecure food: diet, eating and identity among the Ethiopian Suri people in the developmental age

This article discusses food, cultural identity and development among the agropastoral Suri people of Southwest Ethiopia. Their food system is discussed in its actual form and in its process of change, accelerated since a decade or so. »