Food security, resilience and well-being analysis of refugees and host communities in northern Uganda
This report (PDF) by FAO provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the refugees’ food security, well-being and resilience in Northern Uganda. Although refugees in Uganda are given land and mobility rights, their food security remains low, with a high dependency of food aid. The key message concerning food security is that having access to stable and basic services (improved sanitation, water and markets) as well as the diversification of income-generating activities, will enhance the food security of host and refugee communities. Refugee communities are more food insecure and strongly reliant on assistance as main source of consumed food. A policy and programme implication is to improve management of regional food stocks in order to respond to the increased food demand. These food stocks could be produced by and purchased from farmers in the region. Further, boost the capacity for agricultural production and marketing and develop specific support packages for refugees. A main finding on livelihoods is that a vibrant informal market for exchange exists between refugees and host communities, contributing to their resilience. Gaps of the informal market can help identify appropriate opportunities for market and skills development, employment and value chain development, which would increase food security through local production. Male-only households are less resilient than female-only or male-female households. Male-households have lower adaptive capacity, fewer safety nets and lower expenditure on food and lower dietary diveristy. Women fulfil multiple household resonsibilities, they have a essential contribution to food security, nutrition and chilrens’ primary caregiving. So, attention should be payed to male-only households and nutrition education project should target both men and women. Women’s contribution to food security and nutrition should be acknowledged, and barriers to gender equality are tackeld through enabligh policy and legal environment.