Inclusive growth and achievement of higher quality standards

The F&BKP together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is preparing a research about the question “Do higher quality standards hinder inclusive growth / favour exclusive growth?”
The assignment aims to provide Food Security professionals insight into the complex relations between inclusive growth and the achievement of higher quality standards (HQSs), particularly in Bangladesh. In which circumstances are HQSs an incentive for inclusive growth and when do they hinder it or favour exclusive growth? Does inclusiveness have a positive direct or indirect effect on HQSs? Which contextual factor or characteristics play a role in the relation between HQSs and inclusiveness? Which additional policy measures or approaches are required to ensure inclusive development?
The outputs of the assignment are a document (reflecting the findings of the desk study, the theoretical conceptualizations and field level investigations) and a mini-seminar in Bangladesh with policy makers, practitioners and Bangladesh-based scientists on the matter. The results/outputs must be useful for programming the future interventions of development partner organizations.
The Platform is looking for two consultants who combine the following competencies:
- Basic knowledge on agricultural economics.
- Basic knowledge on food production and safety quality standards.
- Knowledge of different methodologies to analyse value chains and gender inequalities.
- Knowledge of the Bangladesh context is an advantage.
If you are interested then please send a proposition including a CV of both consultants to no later than Friday, April 3, 2015, 23:59 CET.