Horticulture funding opportunities

PAEPARD (the Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development) has communicated three horticulture funding and fellowship opportunities.
Fellowships in legumes for students in a developing country
This new program is specifically targeting promising young scientists from developing countries committed to pursuing research careers involving legume crops. Submissions are due by December 19, 2014.
For more information visit the blog of the Legume Scholars Program.
The Global Postharvest E-learning Program
The postharvest training program will be offered for up to 50 young horticultural professionals currently working in developing countries over a period of 12 months during 2015. Applications must be completed and returned via e-mail by December 31, 2014.
For more information, download the Application form and Calendar and Training Agenda.
2015 Next Generation Delegation
The Chicago Council is accepting applications from students to attend the Global Food Security Symposium in April 2015 in Washington, DC. Applications are due January 15, 2015.
For more information visit the website of the Chicago Council.