Green Revolution Forum considers Africa’s food future

African ministers and business leaders have gathered in Ethiopia to consider ways to trigger a green revolution and improve the continent’s food security. Together in the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), they will focus on delivering agriculture-led economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa.
In June, the Africa Union issued a declaration to double food productivity and halve poverty by 2025.
Figures show that 200 million Africans are chronically malnourished and five million people die each year as a result of hunger.
It was against this stark backdrop that heads of state and government attending the 23rd African Union Summit adopted the Malabo Declaration, which included a call for a greater effort to accelerate agricultural growth.
The AGRF presents in this four-day Forum the first major opportunity for 1000 leaders from farmers associations, agribusiness companies, research institutes and non-governmental organizations and African Governments to engage each other on the new vision for Agriculture and Food Security agreed by African Heads of States in July 2014.
As well as focusing on the wider issues of productivity and poverty reduction, the Forum will also discuss a number of specific topics, such as reducing post-harvest losses and climate-resilient farming.