GCP-2 final factsheet: LIQUID

“Local and International business collaboration for productivity and QUality Improvement in Dairy chains in SE Asia and East Africa (LIQUID)” is a Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project which received funding in the second Call.
GCP research is carried out in consortia consisting of Southern and Northern scientific and other partners. The projects have a duration of four to five years and are aimed at enhancing the understanding of food and nutrition security in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. In April 2015, six Integrated Projects have been awarded funding as part of the GCP second Call, with focus on inclusive business and regional trade. The projects will be finished in the course of 2020.
Final key result of this GCP project consists of insights into power balances in formal and informal dairy value chains as related to the inclusive development effects of milk quality improvement activities.
Please download the GCP-2 factsheet with final findings of LIQUID (PDF).