First F&BKP newsletter

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform published its first two-monthly newsletter full with links to interesting studies, articles and news items on food and nutrition security.
In this first newsletter, we refer to the consultation on Dutch food security policy which the Office is currently conducting. The ideas of various professionals will be clustered around six main food security themes to serve as input for the food security policy paper, which the Dutch Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs will jointly send to the Dutch Parliament later this year. Your contribution is very welcome!
Furthermore, we highlight the report ‘Reducing food wastage, improving food security?’ which was published recently within the Platform. Food wastage is one of the five themes on which the F&BKP, in cooperation with different networks, is currently establishing a knowledge agenda. The other themes are nutrition security, partnerships, soil management and inclusive business.
Please follow this link to read the complete newsletter and to subscribe to it.
You can also follow our twitter account (@foodplatform) to stay informed of all developments and opportunities for you to join the Platform.