F&BKP Newsletter May 2019 (#02)

In the May 2019 Newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) informs to have published its Annual Report 2018 and a booklet with an overview of all 73 projects of the Knowledge Management Facility (KMF) in the period 2013-2018. In the Newsletter the two last reports of KMF funded projects are highlighted: “A chain of possibilities – Scoping the potential of blockchain technology for agri-food production chains in LMICs” and “Leveraging embassy food security programmes with social enterprise opportunities”.
Furthermore the Platform reports on a seminar about Agricultural Innovation and on the first meeting concerning the Valuable Vegetables learning initiative. Other interesting reads are a blog on Reconciling private rights and public goods in the seed sector; the progress of the Young Experts Programmes and the NL-CGIAR Senior Experts Programme; and items about two sessions at the World Bank.
To stay updated on the F&BKP´s developments and activities in 2019, please continue to follow the website, Twitter and Facebook, for the time being still under the name Food & Business Knowledge Platform.
Please follow this link to the complete second 2019 newsletter of the Platform: enjoy the read!
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