F&BKP Newsletter April 2020 (#02)

In this second Newsletter of 2020, the focus is on COVID-19 and SDG2, and other activities of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP), like the CoP Food security and stability, the NL-CGIAR strategy meeting on One CGIAR, a new synthesis paper on African indigenous foods, the winner of the Agrofood Broker 2019 Award, and a new deadline for YEP proposals.
Already for some months now, the outbreak of corona has rapidly spread across the world, and the consequences of this crisis for SDG2 are growing and increasingly visible. The full impact of COVID-19 on food security and agricultural food systems is not yet known, as the spread of the virus continues to evolve differently by continent and by country. At the same time, it is very clear that it will have significant negative effects on people along the food supply chain; from producers to processors, marketers, transporters and consumers. Especially the potential impacts of the virus on food security and livelihoods in contexts of high vulnerability and where populations are already experiencing food crises, is alarming.
The Food & Business Knowledge Platform contributes to the worldwide efforts to prevent food systems from breaking down, by providing insight into key sources of information. In this Newsletter, F&BKP presents a first list of important knowledge resources and two blogs related to COVID-19. On the website, all COVID-19 related information is gathered on the newly published Theme page.
Furthermore, F&BKP informs about other activities in this newsletter, including news from the CoP on Food security and stability; the second thematic synthesis paper of the Food & Business Research programme, focusing on African Indigenous Foods; the winner of the Agrofood Broker of the Year 2019 Award; and the deadline of May 10 for project proposals for new YEP positions.
To stay updated on the F&BKP activities, please check the website or follow @foodplatform on Twitter and Facebook.
To stay updated on the developments of the Netherlands Food Partnership, in which the F&BKP is transforming together with AgriProFocus, please subscribe to the Newsletter on the NFP website.
Please follow this link to the complete second 2020 newsletter of the Platform: enjoy the read and stay healthy!
Please click here to subscribe to the F&BKP newsletter.