F&BKP newsletter April 2018 (#02)

In the April newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) informs its readers about new studies and reports of meetings, including the first podcast on Feeding Cities, and furthermore the results of the Knowledge Portal survey, the input to the consultation of Minister Kaag, and upcoming events like the foodFIRST conference on June 1, 2018.
The April newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) features several recently published studies and reports, including the first F&BKP podcast on Feeding Cities, and the results of the Knowledge Portal survey.
The F&BKP Office also informs its readers about the answers it has formulated to the nine questions of the consultation of Minister Kaag on the upcoming Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation policy. Main message of the F&BKP input (in Dutch) is: Continue investing in a solid knowledge base for Food and Nutrition Security results.
Furthermore the foodFIRST conference “Team up with African Agripreneurs” is highlighted, which takes place on June 1, 2018 in Utrecht. The F&BKP is co-organizing two workshops: “Private sector coalitions to feed African cities” (with MVO Nederland) and “Youth and agripreneurship” (with YEP and AgriProFocus).
Please follow this link to the complete second 2018 newsletter of the Platform: enjoy the read!
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