The Food & Nutrition Security potential of Fruits and Vegetables

The F&BKP has contracted LEI-Wageningen UR for a desk study on fruits and vegetables, in close collaboration with TopSector TU.
The study is expected to provide an overview of research-based and other relevant literature; build on the information and opportunities aggregated in the discussion paper “Picking the fruits“; and test the assumption that the ‘development’ return on invested capital, particularly the positive effect on Food & Nutrition Security, is higher in the Fruits and Vegetables Sector than in other economic sectors in which Dutch government investments are made.
The assignment is being executed by Frank Joosten (Team leader, Advance Consulting and associate LEI researcher), Youri Dijkxhoorn (LEI Value Chain team) and Yared Sertse (external regional Consultant).
If you are interested to follow the research process and outcomes, and to be part of a possible further knowledge agenda on Fruits and Vegetables, follow the updates on this website. You may also directly contact the F&BKP Office: .
Please download the complete Terms of Reference for the consultancy (PDF).
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