Economic Mission Dutch government to DR Congo and Rwanda

From November 10 till November 13, Lilianne Ploumen, Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation will go on an economic mission to Kinshasa, DR Congo (10-11) and Kigali, Rwanda (12-13). The mission will focus on the following sectors: agri-business; renewable energy; infrastructure, maritime and port development.
The economic mission offers an excellent opportunity to Dutch companies and knowledge institutions to build relationships with potential business partners and local authorities in DR Congo and Rwanda. The program provides collective and individual matchmaking, seminars, trade dinners, network events, and where possible also participation in discussions with relevant members of government. Dutch Companies and knowledge institutes can also use this mission to sign contracts or Memoranda of Understanding in the presence of the Minister or Secretary of State.
Agri-business is one of the main themes defined as promising sector in those countries. Particular attention will be paid to dairy produce, potatoes, seeds, poultry, slaughterhouses and processors.
Hedwig Bruggeman, managing director of Agri-ProFocus, will be one of the participants in this mission.