International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants for Early-Career Research in Developing Countries

The International Foundation on Science (IFS) has opened a Call for Early-Career Research in Developing Countries. One of the themes young academia can apply for is “Food Security, Dietary Diversity and Healthy Livelihoods”. The deadline for submission of individual research grant applications is December 31, 2014.
Throughout the coming decade the primary focus of the IFS will be the promotion of excellent science through early career research grants and capability enhancing support to researchers in developing countries. IFS believes it is vital that young researchers (men under 35 years; women under 40 years) have the opportunity to propose research which they identify can address problems in a least developed country, relevant to the needs of the country, supported through a demand-led, long-term, predictable research granting and capability enhancing approach across a broad spectrum of biological and water resources.
Individual early-career researchers in eligible countries may apply for research grants to undertake research projects on any aspects of the sustainable management of biological and water resources.
Applicants are encouraged to tackle research issues linked to these areas, and to develop solutions that are relevant to local contexts. By encouraging local researchers to work in their home countries, generating cutting-edge and locally relevant knowledge, IFS hopes to contribute to strengthening their countries’ research capability and ultimately contributing to a global research community aimed at reducing poverty and supporting sustainable development.
One of the research areas for individual research is “Food Security, Dietary Diversity and Healthy Livelihoods”, including but not limited to: Research on Food Production; Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine; Crop Science including Underutilised Crops; Food Science and Nutrition, and Food Security issues.
The deadline for submission of individual research grant applications is December 31, 2014 and applicants will be informed about the outcome of the competitive review process before July 31, 2015.