Call for proposals – System approaches for food and nutrition

The partnership programme NWO-TIFN ‘System Approaches for Food and Nutrition’ is now open for proposals. The collaboration between NWO and the Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) forms part of the NWO-theme Agro, Food & Horticulture.
Researchers can apply for funding for PhD projects as part of larger theme projects together with private parties from the food industry.
This programme aims to develop in-depth knowledge regarding pre-competitive questions in four theme projects:
- Evolutionary trade-offs in functional fermentation
- Improving phosphorous efficiency in relation to dairy cows
- Food structure, oral processing and sensory perception
- Mitochondrial health
Who can apply
Funding can be applied for by associate, assistant and full professors or researchers with a comparable position that hold an appointment at a Dutch university or a research institute recognised by NWO.
What to apply
It is possible to apply for grants of maximum 250.000 euro for four-year PhD projects. Applicants can apply for a grant to cover personnel costs and material costs (consumables) related to spending required in order to perform the research.
When to apply
The closing date for the submission of pre-proposals is 9 June 2015, 14:00 hrs (CET).
The closing date for the submission of full proposals is 10 September 2015, 14:00 hrs (CET).
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