Increasing the efficiency of the dairy value chain in Uganda: Determinants of choice of milk marketing channels by dairy farmers
The article in the Livestock Research for Rural Development Journal argues that while the Ugandan dairy sector has experienced continuous growth the sectors milk marketing has remained largely informal. Government and other stakeholders have been carrying out several activities such as training on quality and quantity of milk production, handling, and marketing. The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing farmers’ choices and the total proportions of milk sold to the formal milk marketing channel by dairy farmers. Results revealed the most significant determinants of formal marketing choice and the total milk proportions sold to formal channel were household size, total volume of milk produced, payment period, source of market information, milk selling price and distance to the milk collection centers. The study recommends public investment in infrastructure development, such as roads and electricity to support formal milk marketing. Also, more investments by the government and other development partners in farmer training and extension services activities tailored towards quality and quantity milk production and handling are needed to increase surplus milk production for sale in formal channel.