Ending poverty and hunger by 2030: an agenda for the global food system
This report (PDF) by the World Bank identifies key issues where the global food system should improve. TTo permanently end poverty and hunger by 2030, the world needs a food system that can feed every person, every day, everywhere; that can raise real incomes of the poorest people; that can provide safe food and adequate nutrition; and that can better steward the world’s natural resources. Urgently, we need a food system that is more resilient and that shifts from being a major contributor to climate change to being part of the solution. All these aspects are closely interlinked, calling for a more comprehensive approach to delivering a healthier and more prosperous future. This document lays out key elements of an action agenda for the global food system called for by the Sustainable Development Goals of ending poverty and hunger by 2030. It builds on lessons learned, recognizing the need for broad partnerships and multisectoral approaches to achieve these goals. It calls on key partners, coalitions, and alliances to come together to help shape the evolution of the global food system to permanently end poverty and hunger by 2030. The three core elements of the agenda are aligned around(i) ensuring a more climate-smart agriculture,(ii) improving nutritional outcomes, and(iii) strengthening value chains and improving market access. Within these groupings, a combination of policies, investments, knowledge, partnerships, South-South learning, and political will and leadership will be needed.