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May 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Redefining finance for agriculture: Green agricultural credit for smallholders in Peru

This report helps identify gaps and opportunities to support and scale up green agriculture, smallholder agriculture and financial inclusion. Farmers agree that the financial sector could be a critical enabler of the shift to sustainable agriculture if provided credit that responded to the needs of farmers. The financial institutions were interested in using credit as a tool to incentivise sustainable agriculture. »

December 13, 2016Knowledge Portal
Family farming in sub-Saharan Africa: its contribution to agriculture, food security and rural development

This paper elaborates on the strategic role of family farms to accelerate agricultural transformation towards achieving food security and nutrition, as well as sustainable and inclusive rural development. Considering that 75% of the SSA population is involved directly or indirectly in farming and related employment, the strategic role of family farms in such a transformation is increasingly being recognized by key actors. »

March 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
Governing food and nutrition security in food-importing and aid-recipient countries: Burkina Faso and Ethiopia

This working paper analyses to what extend development partners contribute to change in food and nutrition security policies in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. The analysis of some policy-decisions shows the complexity of relations between aid and national the actors. The authors analyse how the multidimensional nature of food and nutrition security challenges is addressed in policy-making processes. The authors discovered that often FNS policies and institutional frameworks remain predominantly agricultural production-oriented. »

October 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global or local food chains? Uncovering the dilemmas in Senegal and Peru

This paper (PDF) by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), examines whether local or global food chains are better at delivering food security and safety, decent employment, protecting the environment and contributing to economic growth. Using case studies from Senegal and Peru, the authors show a new and complex reality that challenges ideological views about re-localising food production and consumption. It points to the dilemmas but also to the potential and limits of national policies and food chain practices in a context of market globalisation. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Ending poverty and hunger by 2030: an agenda for the global food system

This report by the World Bank identifies key issues where the global food system should improve. The food system must become more sustainable. It must also raise the agricultural productivity of poor farmers, improve nutritional outcomes, and broadly adopt climate-smart agriculture that can withstand and mitigate climate change. »

July 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
Changing the food game: Market transformation strategies for sustainable agriculture

In his book “Changing the Food Game”, author Lucas Simons argues that the challenge of feeding the world’s population can only be solved by effective market transformation to achieve sustainable agriculture and food production. In the first part of the book, Simons explains about system dynamics and system failures. Lucas Simons explains clearly how we »