Developing sustainable value chains for small-scale livestock producers
This publication (PDF) by FAO constitutes a practical development tool, which implements the sustainable food value chain framework with a focus on small-scale livestock producers, targeting an audience of project design teams and policymakers. Small-scale livestock producers are important actors in food production, human health and management of landscapes and animal genetic resources. However, they face a number of challenges. The sustainable food value chain (sfvc) framework is a market-driven approach to provide guidance in development thinking and intervention design. The guidelines provided in the framework represent a practical development tool, with a focus on small-scale livestock producers. Value chain development is a dynamic process comprising six steps. Continuous monitoring enables interventions to be adjusted as necessary, as they are scaled up. The guidelines take the user through the steps below, highlighting the particularities of the smallholder livestock sector. 1) The first step in a value chain programme is to understand the wider context in which it is being implemented. 2) The choice of the specific value chain to be analysed within the (sub)sector is based on the specific programme framework, which provides the selection criteria. 3) Value chain analysis allows practitioners to understand the market systems in the value chain, the openings they provide and the market failures that affect competitiveness and sustainable, inclusive growth. 4) Key stakeholders and partners should formulate and agree on a common vision, establishing the objectives to be achieved within a specific time frame. 5) : The action plan details how the strategy is to be implemented. It breaks the strategy down into its various components and includes interventions in the core value chain support markets and enabling environment. 6) A monitoring and evaluation system uses outcome and impact indicators to track project steering and measure project effectiveness and impact. Scaling up is necessary and should be integrated into the overall development strategy. Livestock specificities must be considered at every stage of a value chain development programme.