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October 26th, 2017

New horizons: Accelerating sustainable development through inclusive business in Kenya

Published by Business Call to Action,

This report (PDF) by the Business Call to Action discusses how inclusive business models be scaled to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Kenya has a vibrant inclusive business community that is already tapping into the base of pyramid (BoP) market and contributing towards the SDGs through core business. A variety of opportunities, along with successful and emerging business models, exist across sectors. To accelerate the impacts of inclusive business on the SDGs, a supportive ecosystem needs to foster dialogue and collaboration. Creating an enabling business environment in general, where those who are reaching the BoP with quality products and good business ethics are rewarded, forms the basis of the response. However, inclusive businesses often face specific challenges, such as inadequate infrastructure to reach potential customers; low awareness among target customers on products such as insurance; or a lack of capacity among BoP suppliers. To leverage the impact potential of inclusive business to reach the country’s development targets, both national and county level governments – and their partners – should consider additional means to support and enable these models to scale. Some of the measures include public private partnerships, smart end user subsidies, or collaboration in awareness raising and training for BoP consumers, employees and producers to enable them to fully engage in the economy.


This report is part of a series of three which highlight the market and SDG potential of inclusive business across sectors in Kenya, the Philippines and Colombia.

Curated from businesscalltoaction.org