Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity in sustainable food systems: Scientific foundations for an Agrobiodiversity Index
This book (PDF) by Bioversity International reviews and analyzes the role that agrobiodiversity can play in creating a more sustainable food system. In the context of sustainable food systems – which deliver food security and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutrition for future generations are not compromised – agricultural biodiversity is a key resource. It provides variety and variability within and among species, fields and landscapes. Agrobiodiversity is already a key component of many production systems worldwide, and so it can be readily used for better nutritional and environmental results. Often the many potential benefits of agricultural biodiversity to sustainable food systems are not realized because of poor conservation, lack of information and inadequate or restrictive policies. There is a need to measure and understand biodiversity in rapid, cost-efficient ways, to connect also with policy decisions by countries and companies on best practices to foster diversity. Agricultural biodiversity is measured in many ways: linked to healthy diets, sustainable land use, agriculture, climate change adaptation, resilience and biodiversity conservation. Bioversity International proposes the development of an Agrobiodiversity Index that brings agricultural biodiversity data together in innovative combinations across those functions in the food system to give novel insights, help countries identify policy levers, and be usable in real time to guide companies and investments for sustainable food systems.