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August 6th, 2018

Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the SDGs: 20 interconnected actions to guide decision-makers

Published by FAO,

These guidelines (PDF) by FAO  present a set of actions to speed up the transformation to sustainable food and agriculture that are based on evidence, experience, technical expertise and collective knowledge within FAO. Major improvements in agricultural productivity have been recorded over recent decades, but this progress has often come with social and environmental costs. The productive potential of our natural resources base has been damages. Overcoming world challenges requires transformative action, embracing principles of sustainability and tackling root causes of poverty and hunger. As the prime connection between people and planet, food and agriculture can help achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable food and agriculture have great potential to revitalize the rural landscape, deliver inclusive growth to countries and drive positive change. Sustainable development integrates three dimensions: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. The approach to promote this is based on five principles: 1) Increased productivity, employment and value addition in food systems; 2) Protect and enhance natural resources; 3) Improve livelihoods and foster inclusive economic growth; 4) Enhance the resilience of people. communities and ecosystems; 4) Adapt governance to new challenges. Aligned to these principles, 2o guidelines have been outlined, whereby food and agriculture, people’s livelihoods and management of natural resources are addressed as one. These guidelines offer countries a thread that knits the many sectors of agriculture and rural development with a country’s broader development programme encompassing poverty eradication, job creation, national growth, urban regeneration and natural resource wealth. A fundamental premise for delivering sustainable food and agriculture is the creation of an enabling policy environment and the need for sectoral ministries to change the way they work and coordinate policies across government. Unlocking the potential of the private sector is fundamental to progress. The guidelines are all outlined in the document, being context-specific but universally relevant.


A related blog can be found here

Curated from fao.org